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  • Brand new to forums

    Hi everyone. I super excited as I just joined the community!! It's so nice to be able to reach out to others for any advice or results they are having with their products. I still haven't got the hang of pheromones and would love any help I can get.

  • #2
    Welcome, so far this community has been amazing for me. I haven't even gotten my warranty yet, but everyone here keeps you hyped while you're waiting. Best of luck!


    • #3
      Welcome! Nice to have you here!

      I'll give you the same schpeel I gave C_Kong as I feel it can really help new members out.

      To help you out, this website has one of the best reviews for PXS products I have seen:

      I have made a spreadsheet of what each PXS product contains so you can visually see the differences here to help you mix and match blends:


      Then you can find out what each pheromone individually does here:


      It's a lot of information, so if you're still new to pheromones the short version of this is that pheromones usually come in 8 or so "classes" that PXS likes to call "Goals" which you can find on the pheromonexs website. You can find them here:


      These are: Sexual, Intimate, Flirting, Playful, Social, Status, Engaging, and Calming

      Personally, I find these to be the top products PXS sells (in no specific order) and I put a few phrases by each as to what they achieve:

      1. Ascend - Status, Respect, Alpha-vibe
      2. Xist - Romantic, Instant Boyfriend, "reset the friend zone"
      3. Evolve - Sexual (nighttime sexual)
      4. Taboo - Flirting (daytime sexual and much lighter than Evolve, only 5 mcg eNONE per spray)
      5. Cohesion - Women magnet for kino, touching, cuddling, etc but not overtly sexual by itself
      6. SOB - very aggressive sexual with lots of eNONE and copulins, can be very attractive to HB10 women and those who like men who push their buttons
      7. Dominant Ascend - More respect and status than Ascend. Commands respect like older versions of A314 used to do.
      8. Bliss - great feel good blend that brightens up the mood and puts brings down barriers women may have if they're not feeling well. Also has a slightly sexy vibe to it that some women find attractive.

      The reason I like these is because they cover all the pheromone bases and are the top selling products. Everything else will be more specific for different situations (like Flirt, Vibe, Connections are all social products but the basic components of these are found in Xist, Ascend, Evolve, so there is no need to buy these separately for an everyday mix).

      Personally the best learning is experimenting. PXS sells the basic intro pack of ACE (Ascend + Cohesion + Evolve) for a discounted price and then maybe you can buy the mix and match discounted pack to get Xist + Taboo + another product.

      Ascend can be bought with or without copulins. Personally I have been experimenting with Ascend with cops and I like it with them more than without them.

      Hope this helps! There is no "one hit" product because each one is for a different use. However combos can be used for an everyday mix, personally I wear Ascend + Xist + Taboo + Cohesion as my new daily mix (1 spray of each) and then for a night time mix where sex is feasible I will replace the Taboo with Evolve (so Ascend + Xist + Evolve + Cohesion) as you don't really want to wear Evolve when there is no feasibility for sex (like at work). I call this ACT-X or ACE-X if you replace the Taboo with Evolve. However don't discount the ACE pack (Ascend + Cohesion + Evolve); a lot of people love wearing this and get great hits from it; it is definitely a sexually attractive mix that can lead many to getting laid so it doesn't necessarily need the Xist.

      Hope this helps!

      Lastly, in addition to ACT-X another blend I have been experimenting with is SOB + Bliss + Cohesion (I call this CBS). I find this one to really attract HB10 (hot-body 10 rating) women without intimidating them. I've had great hits with this one at the gym and is probably a great one for clubbing!
      PXS Product Content Spreadsheet: https://goo.gl/q7KVX1
      Sprays: Bliss, SOB, Xist, Taboo, Evolve, Cohesion, Dominant Ascend, Exotica, Ascend (with and without cops), Limitless
      Oils: Xist, Cohesion, Desire Me for Men, Massage Oil for Men
      Samples: SOB, Crush, Bliss, Evolve, Thinker, Odyssey, Vibe, Flirt, Barely Legal, Celebrity
      AMMO (1.0), IS, IG, IJ, IH, IO, CTTM 2, TUTH (1.0 and 1.1), p74, p83, p93, p100, Spaceland, MX 297, MX 272, MX 291, Lip Magnet


      • #4
        Niceguy! If you knew that nice guys finish last, would you still want to be a nice guy?

        Just messing with you.

        The guys are usually around to welcome everyone but if they are mia it means they are out testing out the products and they can't be here and test the shit of these mones at the same time

        I hope you will stick around and take advantage of the wonderful offers we have :

        https://pheromonexs.com/image/data/Banners/banner_discoverXS-discounts-for-life.jpg Discounts For Life! Login, Share Your Experiences, Influence the

        In the meantime, remember that XS has made it super easy to find the right products for you , with the use of our goals system.

        Thank you for making it XS niceguy , keep us updated on your progress


        • #5
          Everyone gave you good advice,I think you should really read no mr nice guy book.Cheers!


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