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So pheromones DO exist! (A story of amazing success and utter disappointment)

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  • So pheromones DO exist! (A story of amazing success and utter disappointment)

    That's nice to hear. Ithought I was going crazy.

    Hello everyone.

    I first came into contact with pheromones back in 2010, almost 10 years ago. Back then I stumbled into the pherotalk forum, got really amazed, bought a bunch of stuff, got even more amazed, then called the pheromone help line, which back then ended on SteveO's desk.
    I remember talking with him at length, about how he was stationed in Frankfurt once, which is close to where I live, getting some good advice on pheromones, and just having a friendly chat that shaped my image of AD as a friendly trustworthy company for years to come.
    I ended up buying a bunch of stuff and having really good successes with it.
    At the time I was 22 and I was attending evening classes, trying to finish high school, and the pheromones helped me boost my confidence to the point of actually managing to attend the evening classes every day, despite my horrible agoraphobia. I got my first girlfriend around that time as well, due in equal parts to the careful application of pheromones, and the careful application of the mystery method.
    Not only that, I ended up becoming student president and had girls chasing after me throughout the school.
    Towards the end of my time there I started to run out of pheromones. I had originally bought a decent stash, but now they were running out. I intended to buy new ones, but there was no pressure to do it. Running out of pheromones didn't really change much. I was already top dog at the school. Not wearing any pheromones didn't change the respect I was getting.
    Things only changed once I finished high shool and moved on to university.
    And suddenly being in a completely new group with completely new people really pulled the rug from under my feet. My agoraphobia kicked back in and I had problems going to classes.
    So I went to buy more pheromones.
    It must have been about 2013, SteveO's helpline now ended with a woman who was not very nice to me. No matter. I'm here for the pheromones, not the conversation... I bought a bunch of the stuff that I knew and loved. A314, IO, IH, IS, TAF, P83. Things had gotten super expensive. Hard to afford on a students budget, but well worth it, as I knew from experience. And the profits couldn't go to a nicer company.
    So my pheromones arrived and I was excited. I was trying hard to keep my expectations in check. It was hardly going to be quite as transformative as it had been the first time, after all. But what happened was... nothing. I still had a super hard time going to the university, interacting with people, being in a room with people... I didn't get any extra respect, or IOIs, or the attention of the professors... The pheromones just didn't seem to work. The only one that I still had noticeable effects from was TAF, which I wore mainly for the self-effects, so I kept questioning whether I was just immagining things. Maybe pheromones had never been real at all. Maybe it had all been due to the placebo effect. Maybe all of this was just mass delusion? The forums were still full of glowing testimonials.
    I ended up calling the help line again. The woman at the other end told me that they didn't know about any bad batches and I would have to send back all the products that I was having doubts about, so they could be tested for their content. If indeed there was something wrong with them, then they would refund my money. I didn't want to do that. I was still clinging to the hope, that maybe my pheromones were fine and I just missed the effects. I just needed to do more testing.
    I learned to cope over time, I switched areas of study once, but stuck with the second one. I remained a loner, but I did make some friends. I did some daygame with decent success. Having once been at the top of the food chain did give a lasting boost to my confidence. But I never saw any difference between pheromone days and no-pheromone days any more.
    I actually ended up using up most of the stuff throughout my time at the university, and when I ran out, I was pretty much convinced, that pheromones were one big scam and I had just been duped.
    But a nagging doubt remained... It had worked once.

    Now I am 32. I've started on my master's degree, and I'm better able to cope with my fears. I'm in a better place than 10 years ago. I've started playing dnd and vtm a while ago, which helps. I've got friends now, that also helps.
    I'm living with a girl who used to be my girlfriend for a while, but whom I lost all physical attraction to, for some reason. Living with her I didn't really feel comfortable bringing other girls home. To spare her feelings, I'd like to think, but the human brain likes to use things like that as excuses to cover up its fears, so who knows.
    I've got a female friend who I like a lot, and whom I think I could have a serious relationship with in the future, if she ever did ditch her asshole boyfriend. But I know better than to focus my efforts on her.
    I'm going to move into my own appartment again in a few weeks, and when I do, I'm going to start daygaming again, which I know I can do decently... and when a rotation of girls is passing through my life, then either that will make her jealous, or it won't, and I will take my cues from that.

    But standing poised to change my life for the better once more, I remembered what helped me last time.
    And on a whim I googled AD.
    And I came across a blogpost talking about how AD used to be great until they hiked up their prices and lowered their quality.
    And I went Ooooh, that makes a lot of sense.
    And that blogpost mentioned how there is another company, founded by a guy by the name of SteveO.
    And I went Ooooh, I remember that guy.

    If you've read all of the above: kudos to you, and thank you for your time. I didn't intend for this post to be that long, but I felt like sharing my journey, maybe find people who have had similar journeys in some respects.

    I'd be really curious to hear what went on behind the scenes. Why and when Steve left AD, why the quality deteriorated and when exactly that trend started...

    Also, I'd like some advice on pheromones, as I've been out of the game for a while.
    I was thinking about taking advantage of the party pack to get XiSt, Cohesion, Ascend, SOB, Bliss, Connections and Odyssey...
    I've also been thinking about getting Bliss as a 30ml immediately, if it is anything like IS, which I basically used to use on top of almost everything.
    And on top of that I'm looking forward to trying out XSP-F, as TAF has been one of my favorites.
    Another one that I am somewhat curious about is Celebrity and how Celebrity and Ascend relate to A314, which I used to love. Which one is more like A314 and is there any reason why A314 used to be an oil?
    Would you guys recommend waiting for a special offer?
    Is there some ressource that you could point me to, which is a must-read to get up to speed on the current state of the art?

    Also, lastly, I realise that the XS products surely have their own personality and function, but I, not having tried them yet, find it hard not to think of them in terms of AD equivalents. So I'm going to list what effects I hope to replicate. Perhaps some of you can point out where I'm wrong, if I'm wrong.

    XiSt - Ammo
    Cohesion - TAC/A1
    Ascend - A314
    SOB - IJ
    Bliss - IS
    Connections - IH
    Odyssey - Spaceland, the fabled AD product that was never available, but everyone wanted
    Celebrity - Also A314?

    Thank you again for taking the time to read this, and I would very much appreciate input of any kind, even just links to posts to read.

    Greetings from Germany,

  • #2
    Hi There, this is my first time back on here in probably a year or so....I've been using pheros all the while - never really got the "lingo" down I just reordered, and almost tried the party pack as well....If you get it, let me know how it goes for you. I stuck with ordering my favorites instead, only because it was cheaper. I've experimented with most before....Probably had good results that I didn't realize I was having....However, I stuck w/ my base because, again, it was cheaper XiSt, Domination, SOB, Evolve....Since starting Pheros, I've been in 2 serious / semi-serious (long) relationships. Getting dates is no problem - drastic changes for me from earlier years (virtually no dating before that). I'm sure it's not all due to the pheros, but I've been pretty certain they help. I'm a bit older than you and looking for "the one." About the oils, I used my first oils this last time around. While I believe they are more potent than the spray (so I've heard), I've gone back to spray on this most recent order because I had problems with the dropper cap, and I tend to put it on when I'm driving in the car in a rush to an event - which means spills!! My experience only....I may go back to the oils and get the euro dropper cap instead - we'll see


    • #3
      Hi Drlove,

      Thank you for your reply. Are you talking about A314 oil specifically or oils in general?


      • drlove
        drlove commented
        Editing a comment
        I might be using wrong terminology, but I'm referring to oils in general - haven't tried A314 - just looked it up; sounds interesting

    • #4
      Welcome Coach.

      Man.. reading your post just have me tons of flashbacks.
      I was around Androtics before you and all the way up until they went into a complete meltdown.

      So here's the thing about your list. Bliss is it's own thing, it's not IS and there isn't a product that I've found that is like it.
      The closest you're going to get to A314 results is probably Dominant Ascend or APi (A3.14) it's more of a street cred vibe than a harsh forced respect vibe. It is widely believed that Androtics used a lot of TAF in their products, this molecule has been reported to allow the wearer and those around to pay closer attention to the effects of the pheromones. The putatives alternatives that SteveO has are pretty spot on. TAF seems to indeed be XSP-F. XSP83 = P83 etc. SteveO isn't trying to replicate Androtics products so you're not going to find exact copies of AMMO, or IS or TUTH or IJ etc. Check out my journal I came into this thinking the exact same things and I had to reprogram myself from what I had 'learned' with Androtics. Read experiences, journals, search the forum for product reviews. Oh and btw yes Odyssey is like Spaceland. I had the chance to try Spaceland a few times from Androtics before they took it away. It seems to be a very simple formulation that comes in the same Clary Sage scent.
      I look forward to your updates, hopefully you make a journal. As far as sales etc, SteveO does random sales. There is no telling if or when he will do holiday sales or random ones..as of late he's been running sales for holidays but sometimes he simply wont. I'd call up the company and ask to speak to SteveO and have one of those good old time convo's with him. lol I've surely appreciated them, and I've learned a ton.


      • drlove
        drlove commented
        Editing a comment
        THX for the comments - I haven't used Andriotics, read their website - sticking w PheroXS

      • Prettyrickyboi
        Prettyrickyboi commented
        Editing a comment
        lol, that's the new Androticslabs. We are referring to the old pherotalk, old Androtics. It was much much different. Now its just like a shell of itself. I see them trying though.

    • #5
      Hey welcome Coach. Great to have you here, especially with a ton of experience with pheromones!


      • #6
        Originally posted by Prettyrickyboi View Post
        The closest you're going to get to A314 results is probably Dominant Ascend or APi (A3.14) it's more of a street cred vibe than a harsh forced respect vibe.
        I can't say anything about Dominant Ascend because I've never tried it but Ascend with cops is closer to A314 than APi is.
        I use APi a lot and in high doses. I wouldn't call it a Street Cred Vibe because I get a lot of respect from APi in the office as well as in business in general.
        APi for me is a excellent social with a solid respect status but without any intimidation. I like to compare APi to a British Gentleman --> well-mannered, solid status, respect but never loud. APi for me is leadership through competence.

        The closest to A314 I can think of is Bad Wolf from LAL because that is intimidation and harsh forced respect as you call it or better said harsh forced respect through intimidation. Bad Wolf is, at least to me, leadership through intimidation.

        But hey, different blends work on different people in different ways. So this is just my experience and my 2 cents

        Btw welcome Coach.


        • #7
          Originally posted by Phaethon View Post

          I can't say anything about Dominant Ascend because I've never tried it but Ascend with cops is closer to A314 than APi is.
          I use APi a lot and in high doses. I wouldn't call it a Street Cred Vibe because I get a lot of respect from APi in the office as well as in business in general.
          APi for me is a excellent social with a solid respect status but without any intimidation. I like to compare APi to a British Gentleman --> well-mannered, solid status, respect but never loud. APi for me is leadership through competence.

          The closest to A314 I can think of is Bad Wolf from LAL because that is intimidation and harsh forced respect as you call it or better said harsh forced respect through intimidation. Bad Wolf is, at least to me, leadership through intimidation.

          But hey, different blends work on different people in different ways. So this is just my experience and my 2 cents

          Btw welcome Coach.
          Yes, it was said to me that APi is more of a 'street cred' type of respect by SteveO and it's what I have found to be accurate.
          I'm not talking gangster, hood streets here lol more-so a 'I've heard about you through the grapevine, I should respect and find value in what you do and say' type of vibe. I only tried bad wolf as a sample and I haven't tried Ascend with cops only without cops. (Although Dominant Ascend did seem to rev my engine like the old A314..makes you feel inevitable *thanos joke*. I'll give Ascend with cops a try and see how I like it. Do you like APi better? It's a daily wear for me.


          • #8
            Originally posted by Prettyrickyboi View Post
            Yes, it was said to me that APi is more of a 'street cred' type of respect by SteveO and it's what I have found to be accurate.
            I'm not talking gangster, hood streets here lol more-so a 'I've heard about you through the grapevine, I should respect and find value in what you do and say' type of vibe.
            Ah..okay, now I got you

            Originally posted by Prettyrickyboi View Post
            Do you like APi better? It's a daily wear for me.
            APi is my favourite XS blend so far and my daily wear because I like the Gentleman vibe. I like to combine the oil it with my self made spray because it hits from a further distance and earlier than the oil alone.
            Sometimes it hits within 60 seconds


            • Prettyrickyboi
              Prettyrickyboi commented
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              Selfmade spray eh? do tell. I've been adding Engage with it, but I plan to start trying P96 and Connections with it. Oh the stories I may hear

          • #9
            Here ist the Thread to it: https://discoverxs.com/forum/pheromo...oil-into-spray


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