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Outspoken XS144Beta + Flirt

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  • Outspoken XS144Beta + Flirt

    Friday, I wore 3-4 sprays of the Beta XS144b Outspoken and two sprays of flirt

    Xs144 on chest, back of neck
    Flirt on elbow pits of each arm

    Applied @9:30am

    I had a haircut two days before so this might be a factor.

    Nothing much really happened all day until I got to work at ~3:30pm. I entered one of the rooms where the elementary kids usually stay at to either do homework or play some games on their devices. One of them was a previous student of mine until I had a schedule change so I don't normally see her on Fridays. She was there today and when I walked in, her reaction was one I've never experienced before until now.

    I think it was the DIHL effect? She looked up and then just stared as if there was something (awesome or weird), like she was in a trance. She broke out of it as I approached and asked her what's wrong.

    Anyway, not sure if it was the pheromones, or just the haircut as she's never been around me when I've had the haircut.
    On another note, I had long interactions and conversations with some people. One of them was a father of a student and we were talking about college and careers, jobs, internships, etc... I actually wanted to stop talking to him and get away because I had a student I needed to teach.
    Alpha Dream: Glace, Alfa Maschio
    Pheremone XS: A1 (50 mcg), Bliss, Vibe, Xist, Exotica, Love Boat, Flirt, Ascend, Dominant Ascend, Connections, Cohesion, Celebrity, Evolve Spray, Taboo, APi, Thinker, XS144 Outspoken, Approach Confidence, Limitless, Evolve oil, Taboo oil, SOB, Odyssey, Happy, XS155 Social Lube
    Love Scent: Chikara gel packs
    AD: P83, IS (10mcg/spray), TAC
    LAL: Nude Alpha
    Orange Font = Sample Bottles

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