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Long lasting chemical in Dominate Ascend

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  • Long lasting chemical in Dominate Ascend

    There is something in Dominate Ascend that by itself is extremely subtle but at the same time undeniably powerful. Unlike the rest of the molecules blend, it is extremely sticky. I mean to get it all completely off, you will need to scrub so hard, using both high quality hand sanitizer and 91 percent consumer grade alcohol, that it is surely washing off natural body chemicals too! Thats honestly beside the point though. Even if you scrub a-dub dub your application points like somebody on a cleaning mission, this user reports that it’s very often times still there the next day. Even multiple days if you don’t like feeling like you’re wasting a bottle of sanitizer due to the wild amounts that have to be used. I don’t think it’s a pheromone, probably a neurosteroid. But don’t quote me on that. So here’s the thing….

    this “afterglow” if you will, is much better for me than the real dominate ascend blend, as it causes me headaches! But not whatever it is the next day.

    Theories: is it a pheromone/neurosomething that gets converted into something else after being on the body for several hours? Or is it not a pheromone at all but something like ALLO THDOC? Or DHEAS? OR is it something entirely different, currently unlisted anywhere on the public website?

    I suppose that if you have autism (Asperger’s type) you notice this ”something” and its effects more than if you don’t. It’s not something with any kind of sexual energy that I can see. Just drastically improves clarity of thought and people are nicer to me, whatever that means! lol.

    But serious question now: How the heck do you get this stuff off? I’m only half joking when I say that I might need to try to add a small amount of bleach to my cleaning process. (DONT DO THAT).

    If nothing I’ve said has been relatable and you’ve made it this far then I’ll add another question: have you ever noticed anything similar and how did you remove the chemical from your body when the methods I described above didn’t work?

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