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Androstenone, Where To Start

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  • Androstenone, Where To Start

    The Enigmatic AndrostENONE Pheromone Molecule

    16, (5α)-ANDROSTEN-3-ONE

    Ah, the mysterious 5α-Androst-16-en-3-one, affectionately known as Androstenone, a pheromone found frolicking in human sweat and urine. This elusive compound has been the subject of many a late-night study, earning its status as the first human pheromone ever to be identified. Often cast as the sultry lead in commercial pheromone blends, our trusty community of researchers and scientists have deduced that the most tantalizing results are achieved when Androstenone waltzes with other pheromones.

    While Androstenone's flirtatious nature is well-known, it also dabbles in alpha dominance, sexual drive, health, and respect, all the while maintaining connections to aggression and anger. When artfully integrated into pheromone blends, Androstenone can transform from a mere strong sexual presence into a confident, irresistible force of nature.

    As research would have it, Androstenone has been known to send females' hearts aflutter with signs of arousal such as flushed skin, increased perspiration, and a sudden urge to dance the night away. Alas, not all pheromone blends are created equal; poorly mixed concoctions can unleash aggression, stress, and anger. It's a sad truth that some vendors, lacking a sense of irony, peddle pheromone products sans pheromones, leading to these unintended consequences.

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