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Recommendations for “trust” pheromones

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  • Recommendations for “trust” pheromones

    Hi everyone, I made a separate post asking about “beautifiers”—that whole concept fascinates me. As a separate topic, I am also curious about pheromones or blends that specifically enhance trust, engagement, and open communication in a work setting. I often have trouble being persuasive and getting my point across because I’m shy and would love something to convey competence and inspire confidence in those situations while not being overly intimidating because I also work with children. (Again here Hoping for a single product that stands on its own… I’m having trouble affording multiples and it seems like there are no more coupons?). Thanks!

  • #2
    XS194, Inbetween.

    ??????Full bottles: Sport, Celebrity, Innocence, Connections, And Babe, Cohesion, Temptress, Thinker, Fantasy, Psel, Tease, Xist x 2, Odyssey, LoveBoat, Vibe, Madame, Bliss, Summer Daze (XS122), Fairy Tale Limitless, XSP86, Engage, Happiness, Sweetness, Glow, Bitch, XS194, xs189, xs190, xs191, xs193, xs196, xs199, Naked Gun, Mascot, Pencil Thin Mustache and XSP102, Goddess, Api. DM oil.

    LPMP: Heart & Soul, Lumina, Cougar, MLH, Blatant Invitation, Sexology, Sexpionage, Audacious, Levitation, Popularity Potion, LFM, LFN, True Confession, Empathy.


    • #3
      Connections I think would be a good one.


      • #4
        Api possibly would be of assistance. It gives a very nice confidence. However, I certainly agree with the Connections suggestion. I myself am still searching for a truly great one product that relays your desired results. I have found several that sorta provide but I feel I’m just ever so missing something unless blended.


        • #5
          Thirds on connections


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